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Read the Adult FairyTales Book 1 - Special Edition!


This Friday, James Antoniou is starting his new online literary series

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This Friday, James Antoniou is starting his new online literary series. This time instead of an Adventure in episodes, a complete short story - an independent Adult Fairytale - will be presented every week. We will be waiting for you, every Friday; here, on the author's personal blog.

Message from the author

Staying faithful, both me and my team, in the promise we made during the book presentation of Lieutenant Liadeli’s first adventure, the Greek version of “An Adventure in Parga” - to provide free trips to the sphere of imagination - we decided to start a weekly series of short stories, through my personal blog.

In short, we will present a story every Friday, which will remain active until the following Friday, when it will be replaced by the next story.

Wanting to get closer to my personal favorite writing style, the stories will be Adult Fairytales. I mean that they will be short fairy-tales for adults, which over time will increasingly approach horror, with a more "fairy-tallish" narrative complexion.

As we have done before with our Lieutenant, I would like to receive your comments or even your ideas about where you would like the next story to travel your imagination. For example, you could tell me who or what you would like the hero to be, or just suggest three words to me, on which I will build a new story.

your "fairy-tale storyteller"
James Antoniou

* Have you already got the “2018 James Antoniou Calendar”?
If, not GET it for FREE here
* για ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ εδώ

Get the “2018 James Antoniou Calendar” for FREE!

James Antoniou and his team, wishing to multiply smiles at the beginning of this year, have created and offer you a free digital calendar, which, if you feel like, you can freely print!

The calendar’s illustration is based on the author’s literary texts of his international activity.

To get it completely free, simply send us a message via email or any of the author's profiles on social media.

We wish you once more, a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

...and do not forget, the simplest and quickest way to get away from everyday life is your own imagination!

Send a message, with the word "CALENDAR 2018", to:


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